Hey guys! First off, I want to apologize for being MIA for the last month or so. My computer was stolen and I have been in he process of moving, among other lovely life things. I am pretty much moved, so I am hoping to be able to update a lot more. Let's get to it!
I'm sure you all have heard potty training horror stories and that its this long drawn out ordeal. In my personal experience, that's only half true. I am happy to say that I am the proud Mama of a 2 1/2 year old little boy and you get to hear (read) about our lovely transition from diapers to normal toilets.
I attempted to start potty training at about 18 months which is a little too early, in my opinion. However, I wanted to be that mom with the incredibly mature, well-behaved, advanced child. Who doesn't? I bought a little training toilet and bunch of cute little cheap toys and candy from the Walmart party section for prizes when my son went potty on his little toilet. I found this cool blog post on Pinterest that walks you through a 3 day potty training adventure Growing a Jeweled Rose. So, we gave it a try....3 different times... over a span of 3 months or so. Let's just say it never worked out.
So, I put it off for a little while because he clearly wasn't ready. then, I decided to just keep taking him to the bathroom when my husband or I went to see if showed any interest. Eventually, he started sitting on the toilet, bu still didn't go. He actually didn't go potty in his toilet until he was going in the bath and I quickly moved him over. I praised him so much that he started trying to go more often, bu still not enough to attempt real underwear. So, I kind of laid off a little again.
Then, out of nowhere, he decided he wanted to go on the potty all the time by himself and he did. It took about 3-4 weeks of solid potty training and him actually doing it really well before he went out of the house without a diaper on. I was so nervous he would pee his pants the first time I took him out without a diaper, but he did so well and told me when he had to go.
I know I have been rambling a bit, but I just wanted you to know that it won't always happen the first...or second... or even fifth time. Don't give up! Your child will let you know when they're ready, but don't be afraid to expose them to the toilet early. Also, be patient. Getting upset with them for having an accident or not going at all will make them associate the potty with negative feelings. Praise as much as possible! Positive reinforcement is your greatest ally. Use it! And last but not least, listen to your child. They are a lot smarter than we give them credit for!
What are some of your tips and tricks for potty training? Any horror stories? Also, don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter!!